Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung

Einladung | 12.07.2023BiB Population Research Series

Das BiB lädt zur Vortragsreihe am 19. Juli 2023 von 11:00 bis 12:15 Uhr ein. Prof. Hill Kulu referiert zum Thema „Family and Employment Trajectories among Immigrants and Their Descendants in Europe“.

Hill Kulu ist Professor für Humangeographie und Demographie an der Universität von St. Andrews, Schottland. Seine Forschungsinteressen umfassen Familie, Fruchtbarkeit, Migration und Gesundheitsstudien. Er ist Präsident der European Association of Population Studies und leitet das ERC Advanced Grant MigrantLife.


European countries have witnessed increasing immigration streams and ethnic heterogeneity of their populations. Facilitating immigrant integration and social cohesion has become a major societal issue. This presentation gives an overview of the ‘MigrantLife’ project, which focuses on family and employment trajectories among immigrants and their descendants in the UK, France, Germany and Sweden. The results suggest that while cultural-normative factors are important in shaping partnership behaviour of immigrants and their descendants, structural-economic factors may play a more important role in fertility decisions. The analysis of employment trajectories reveals that most immigrant men are in education or full-time employment after arrival, whereas many women stay inactive. We discuss the fi ndings in the light of competing theories of immigrant and ethnic minority integration: the classical theory of assimilation vs the segmented assimilation theory.


Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 4
65189 Wiesbaden

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